In this chapter, Paul specifically addresses the heresy the Colossians were listening to and being swayed by. They were being swayed by people who were supposedly giving them insight into spiritualistic things, the "elemental forces of the world", vision into other realms, etc. Don't be deceived into reading over that, this instruction still applies today. I have seen "pastors" and "prophets" lead plenty of people astray, if not away from the faith completely, because they were "claiming access to a visionary realm and inflated without cause in their fleshly mind (v.18)." The sheep they were supposed to be shepherding were promised delicious food and but left starving, as these teachers never cared about the bread of life more than they cared about the supernatural.
So let us tread carefully, and ALWAYS return to the Bible as our source of truth for testing everything, holding on to what is good, and avoiding every kind of evil (1 Thess 5:21-22). If the Bible speaks against it, there is a reason, and if we are being taught things not in the Bible, I question, at the very least, its necessity. If God did not reveal something to us in His Word, it was because He, in His infinite wisdom, did not deem it necessary for it to be there. Consider the sufficiency of scripture, and let us dive in....
2:2-8 Stay in Christ
2:9-15 Benefits of Christ
2:16-23 Specifically avoiding the fruit of the heresy
Paul begins addressing the heresy by telling the Colossians that in Christ are "all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." This is key for the Colossians to remember, because as verse 8 tells us, they were being taken captive by "philosophy and empty deceit" and things that "have an appearance of wisdom (v.23 NIV)." So he tells them that all wisdom and knowledge is hidden in Christ! They have no need to go elsewhere, and, in fact, going elsewhere serves no purpose at all! Listening to this heresy literally was taking them captive, because they were trapped from finding true wisdom and understanding so long as they continued to believe it.
Here we find the some of the true danger of false teaching in the church. Myself, I am a huge proponent of truth. Even if someone is making a good point, I cannot stand it if they somehow misuse the Bible in the process; it is unacceptable. Paul here shows the antidote for this. He doesn't tell the Colossians just where they are making a mistake, he actually spends most of his time writing about what they should be paying attention to instead, Christ! He doesn't give them a list of don't s and things to avoid, he emphasizes over and over and over again the dos and the things to grab a hold of. This is our example for dealing with heresy and false doctrine today; not to avoid the topic, but to emphatically speak the truth, right out of the Word. Truth should never be on the defensive, it should be racing full steam ahead to free the minds of people who are enslaved to empty speculations and ear tickling concepts. Lies have the power to enslave, truth frees. Unfortunately, lies often have "the appearance of wisdom," and so are received by those who don't know any better....
Back to the text, where Paul tells the people to walk in the Lord, rooted and established, "just as you were taught (v.7)." Don't listen to the false teachers, just do what you were taught from the beginning, to walk in Christ and be firmly rooted in Him and in faith. All the while being overflowing with thankfulness (and why shouldn't they/we?).
***A brief aside. As I type this out, I am just beginning to realize how much the Bible often says in just one or two sentences, that if we take the time to think and analyze, we are mining for gold instead of the raking for leaves we usually do. I take no credit for that analogy. Here I am typing for 40 minutes and I get through 7 verses. Yeah baby. :)
Now, again, for about 6 verses, Paul rehashes the majesty and personal benefits of Christ, showing the Colossians, again, how He is all they need.
1)In Him the full nature of God dwells bodily
2)We are filled by Him, who is the head of every ruler and authority
3)We have the circumcision of the Messiah (of the heart)
4)We are raised with Him through faith
5)He made us alive while we were still dead in trespasses
6)He erased our debt of death by his death at Calvary
7)He triumphed over all rulers and authorities by His victory there
Again, if the Colossians (or, uh, US) have such great promises and victory in Christ, why are we swayed away from centering our focus on Christ by the lust (disguised as wisdom) for more "spirituality" or appearance of holiness? We have too much in Christ to be satisfied looking for other things! Let us remember our first love and return to Him.
On to verse 16-17, Paul claims that things in the law, such as the sabbath, festivals, food regulations, etc., are all foreshadows of the Messiah, and now that He has come, these things are of no value to us. Christ is true substance, while all else is shadow. Since Paul is so willing to call even other things in the Bible "shadows" compared with Christ, how quickly must we be willing to count all other things as rubbish compared with the surpassing greatness of know Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:8)?
Verse 18:
Let no one keep defrauding you of your prize by delighting in self-abasement and the worship of the angels, taking his stand on visions he has seen, inflated without cause by his fleshly mind. (NASB)
How many names could you stick in this verse? Certain preachers that delight in sharing all their wonderful "visions"? Let's look at this more in depth.
-Teaching about "super spiritual" things (angels, personal visions, etc.) has the appearance of wisdom and greatness (a trap Paul has already mentioned)
-"Taking his stand on visions he has seen..." have you ever seen a preacher base his entire ministry off of what God was telling Him personally, or what God was revealing to Him, without ever actually picking up the Bible? Be careful.
-"Delighting in self absement..." or how about a private school with a ridiculous dress code and strict rules about male/female contact?
-"Let no one keep defrauding you of your prize..." anything based around these topics is garbage!!! They want to talk about visions, about certain skirt lengths, or about proper Sabbath observance, etc., when these things are of no value (v.23), and are defrauding the people who listen to them! Such a leader is not holding onto God (v.19). If we have died to the world through Christ, why do we act as if we must still observe all these things, or chase them (v.20)? These are all human commands and doctrines, not ones of God, and they concern things that are temporary, whereas Christ is ours forver (v.21-22)!
If you are a believer who can realize (myself included) that you have been defrauded by this sort of thing in the past or present, just remember that you have Christ, always will have Christ, and always have had Christ. Our God is so humble, that although we spend our whole lives searching after other truths, and satisfactions in other things, He accepts our deathbed repentance. How could Paul warn the Colossians with any hope of seeing change if this were not so? God is the father of the prodigal son, who waited every day for His son to return, and also the father of the son who did everything right, only to forget that his father loved him and everything the father owned was his! Let us remember our first love, Christ, and that all His benefits are ours. But at the same time, let's pursue Him and not the gifts He has.
Lastly, verse 23, Paul reminds us that such things are of no value in guarding aginst the lusts of the world. Simply denying yourself things that you are tempted by (anything at all) is not a cure for the itch. The cure is in setting our minds on what is above (which Paul gets into in Ch. 3), and having our desires be there as well. Where our treasure is, there out heart will be also (Matthew 6:21, Luke 12:34). If our desires are in heaven, and found in Christ, we will not desire things here on earth. A lofty goal, to be sure, but one we are called to, and, by the grace of God only, is attainable.
Happy Lies
16 hours ago
I'm loving the paragraph about truth- that's always been one of my big things too. In my all my searching I've only ever been able to find Truth in two places: the Holy Spirit- dwelling inside us (Jn 14:17) and the Holy Bible (Jn 17:17) While you can't really say that the Bible is the more reliable of the two sources since they're both TRUTH, it is definitely the more clear cut of the two because it doesn't have to get filtered through the mess that I claim as my mind to be revealed to me.
ReplyDeleteAnd what I think is the coolest it how the more time you spend in the Word, the more Truth you find yourself speaking. I love it when I'm in a conversation with someone and I just randomly find myself quoting scripture in my everyday conversations! The whole 'speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs' thing really starts to happen as you learn to read and identify with the Word daily; it becomes a part of you, just as it's supposed to (Ps. 119:11, Pr. 2). Which is just cool.
I think that there is God's Truth in everything, and it's through the Holy spirit and Grace that we can see it. The Holy Spirit is the ultimate source of truth, and seeing as it was heavily involved in the creation of the Bible that's the book with the most truth in it.
ReplyDeleteAs for angels and visions, I agree, those things are secondary to Christ. Jesus is the supreme commander and defender, and it is through him that we gain spiritual understanding and knowledge. So even though there are angels and visions, those things were to prepare us for Christ's coming, now that he's here focusing on those things is like getting married and then ignoring your spouse while you marvel over the leftover wedding cake.
I like verses 16-17 with the explanations of the festivals and rituals. It's a good reminder that our relationship with Christ is paramount. The rituals, laws, and regulations were simply in place as a temporary government until the King Returned. I can see a relation here to the focus on angels and visions. Both angels and visions were given to us to prepare us for Christ, now that this has come to pass Angels and Visions serve the purpose of leading us further into that relationship. It seems silly to pay attention to the cameraman and not the talent.
Out of curiosity, why would you say that there is God's truth in everything? Mind to clarify?
ReplyDeleteIn Mt 10.22, Jesus tells his disciples that the world will hate them "because of me". Why is this? I believe He answers this question in Eph. 5:8: "For you once were darkness, and now you are light in the Lord." The world hates us because we now live in the light: we now have the spirit of truth dwelling inside us, and the world is stuck in darkness and despair. And what else should we expect? "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God." (1 Cor. 1:18)
All that to say, where exactly are you able to find truth in a world living in darkness? Yes, God did give us truth: He gave us Jesus, who was and is and will always be the Word of God, and is called Truth (Rev. 19:13, Jn. 14:6). And we also have the written Word in the form of the Bible, now that He's returned to Heaven: "Sanctify them by your truth; your word is truth" (Jn. 17:17). [In this prayer, Jesus is speaking to the Father before His crucifixion.]
How can you say that the Bible is the book with the "most truth" in it? Yes, I know that the Christians of the New Testament didn't have the physical Bible we had today because it wasn't written out yet, but Jesus blatantly tells us here that the word of God is truth. And what is the Bible if not the word of God? If you don't hold the Bible as completely and irrefutably true, what exactly do you base your religion on?
I want to hear Stephen's response, but have one comment as well.
ReplyDeleteYes, Reebok, "it is definitely the more clear cut of the two because it doesn't have to get filtered through the mess that I claim as my mind to be revealed to me", and that is the exact thing that must be emphasized. Yes, God speaks by His Holy Spirit to us, but I know personally, many times I have thought they Holy Spirit was talking to me when He wasn't. I am glad I did not share these things with a congregation, as no doubt many well meaning pastors have. The Bible is our clear cut source of God's word, instruction, and desire for our lives.
A study in the "sufficiency of scripture" is an exercise I highly recommend.
What I meant by there being truth in everything is that everything gives proof of God’s existence and His glory. Yes, the Earth is enemy occupied territory, but it still belongs to God. Just as we are sinners, and yet still sons and daughters of the King.
ReplyDeleteThis is just my stance, but “the world” isn’t the actual planet, but the people who inhabit it. So “the world” is those of us humans here who are still prisoners to the deceiver, naturally most anyone in that camp wouldn’t be too found of a Christ follower.
Because God created everything from the natural world to how our biological bodies perceive that world, He intended for us to see Him and communicate with Him through His creation. Just about any well grounded theologian, preacher, or other orator for Christ will also have a love for nature. So when I said that there is truth in everything, I meant that God made this world full of His truth, every stone, tree, breeze, rainfall, and microbe somehow proclaims the glory of God. It’s when those things become twisted by our fallen world that it is sometimes hard to see what God’s purpose for creating it was.
The Bible is the book with the most truth in it. What I meant by that is that because the Holy Spirit was actively a part of its creation and is actively part of its preservation, there is no other book that gives better instruction on how to lead a life with God, how to serve God, and how to understand who God is. But I believe that God does not hide himself from anyone. Christ’s spirit moves through all things. People come to Christ without ever reading the bible. Like you said Reebok, Christ’s first followers didn’t even have the full New Testament, but they had Christ. One of the reasons that the bible is so fantastic is that it contains the story of Christ, what he did and what he said. It’s Christ that makes the Good Book, such a good book.
My religion is based on the bible for sure, but my relationship with Christ is based on uncountable factors. Things he has done for me, things he has shown me (many of which were in the bible), and the Truth of who He is seen in everything around me. I don’t want to sound like a hippie here, but God can be found in more than just the bible. If that were not the case, people who couldn’t read would also be denied a relationship with the one true God. The Holy Bible is a tool, we don’t worship the bible we worship Christ.
Also, my roommate mentioned that the Bible is part of the Armor of God, but it isn't the full suit. You need to have more than just the sword of the spirit, unless your a berserker. In which case street preaching might be a good vocation. =)
ReplyDeleteYou were at our Bible study when we talked about that (I think). The Bible is vitally tied in with every piece of armor.
ReplyDeleteAnd stop calling the Bible the book with the "most truth" in it. The Bible IS truth. If it isn't, then the Bible is a lie, because it proclaims itself to be truth. All other works can have "some truth" in them, just like they will have "some deception" as well. There is no part of the Bible that is devoid of truth.
I think we have the same view on this but phrase it differently. Yes the Bible is Truth, because it was written and compiled by the Holy Spirit's movements. No other book comes close. I'll look at Ephesians again for the armor verse for a quick refresher =)
ReplyDeletedon't change to anonymous mid discussion! This leads to confusion!
ReplyDeletetoo lay z 2 log in. And you haven't responded to the rest of my argument defense!
ReplyDeleteI suppose the main thing here is that yes, people "experience" God through means other than reading the Bible. However, we as humans put our own reasoning into things not fully explained to us. For a human to have a "God experience" without the context of the truth of the Bible, there is no telling how they will interpret the experience. The Bible gives the context that we need to ever truly know God.
ReplyDeleteMy relationship with God is based on many things He does that are not specifically because I read the Bible, but they are explained only in the Bible. If God and I were interacting without my use of the Bible, I would have a piss poor understanding of Him, as I subjectively tried to work out what was going on. I might think Him an evil creator for bringing sorrow into my life when in fact He is using that to grow me! Only by knowing the Biblical purposes of trials and hardships (James) or how God will use everything for the good of those called (Philippians) would I be able to properly acknowledge Him as loving and good in spite of bad circumstances.
So, as you say, my relationship with Christ is based on uncountable factors; but without the Biblical context, I would not be able to have a relationship with Him at all, because I would not understand.
I can go with the "everything gives proof of God's existance and glory", but I don't see how this relates to Truth being found everywhere. We were created to give glory to God, but if we don't do it, Jesus says that the stones will cry out (Lk 19:40). Creation is definitely a testament to God's glory... I have to say that the more we study in Astronomy, the more I'm awed at what I see... Earth is an amazing enough creation, but it's hard for me to concieve looking at some of this stuff and not believing in a God who created it all! Truly, the heavens declare the glory of God (Ps 19:1)!!
ReplyDeleteBut I still don't see how you say that Truth= Giving glory to God. Yes, God made creation, and yes, it does proclaim His glory. But the purpose of a creation is to glorify its creator... in so doing, the creation is fulfilling its purpose. But just because God created a tree doesn't mean that I can glean any truth from it by sitting underneath it, any more than I can absorb truth from this concrete floor I'm sitting on. So how does the fact that creation proclaims the glory of God have anything to do with finding truth in our everyday lives?
Defintely, I would have to say that my relationship with God is greatly influenced by factors outside the Bible; we were just talking about how creation brings glory to its creator, and in so doing, of course it blesses me, as a child of God. But the Bible is the basis for this relationship- as Jeremy said, without it, we wouldn't understand this relationship in the first place. Yet, just because you can't read the Word doesn't mean you can't still have the relationship. For hundreds of years people relied on the public readings of the Word as their basis for this relationship (even if religious leaders such as pharisees and priests did put their own spin on things, unfortunately enough), but of course it is better that we can read it for ourselves now. God can minister to people outside the Bible, but the Bible is definitely the safest way to go, because we already know it's truth, so we don't have to go through the whole questioning process to make sure that what we're getting is true and not some twisted form of the truth produced by this wicked world we live in.
Yes, the Bible is a tool that is instrumental in our relationship with Christ; it is the main tool... no, we don't worship the physical Bible with 2 covers and a bunch of pages and ink inside, but, yes, we DO worship the Word! Jesus is the Word, the Word is Truth, and the Truth is Jesus (see above references if interested). So the Bible is as much a part of the conglomerate of our lives that we call worship as prayer and singing and our everyday walks.
True, the Bible is only a piece of the full Armor of God, and isn't that the point? The individual pieces are supposed to make up a whole suit! The Bible is the only offensive weapon mentioned in the list because it is also the only item on the list that IS God: all the other, defensive, parts of the suit of armor are attributes of God. These attributes of God protect us- his righteousness, readiness from the gospel of peace, faith and salvation... attributes that are "side effects", if you will, of reading the Word and walking daily in our relationship with God. And the Word is what we fight the world and satan back with; the same Word that Jesus used to fight satan when He was challenged in the wilderness is the same Word that we fight with today, and it is the same Word that we worship with our hearts and minds, because that same Word IS Jesus.
I think this passage in Romans 1 gives some light to where Stephen is coming from...
ReplyDeleteThe wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
But the next few verses explain where I am coming from...
For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.
Without the Bible, or some Word from God, men aimlessly shoved their feelings of awe towards whatever about nature suited them. Lacking a guide, they missed God's glory. I'm not saying the Bible would guarantee otherwise, but when you're in what seems like a guessing game.... I guess I don't personally know.