Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Colossians 4

I figured I should probably finish this out, even if most of Colossians 4 is greetings, salutations, etc.

4:1 Treatment of slaves
4:2-6 Final instructions to the church as a whole
4:7-18 Final greetings and instructions to individuals

Paul’s last instruction to the master’s of slaves is simple. You have a master in heaven who is going to hold you accountable for how you treat this fellow human being (and perhaps fellow brother in Christ). Also, I would think, there is a call to remember how merciful God has been to the slave master, even when he sins, and how God disciplines with mercy and love. This should give the slave master a good template for mercy and discipline of his own slaves.
Paul begins his final instructions in verse 2 with a call to prayer. I recently finished a book by Packer called Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, in which he makes the observation that Paul continually exhorts people to prayer, and asks repeatedly for prayer for himself (v.3-4). Paul knows and believes in the power of prayer, telling the Phillipians to make ALL their requests known to God, who cares for them. Paul is also one of the biggest sources of what I’ll call reformed doctrines in the Bible. Election and predestination are often his themes, yet his passion for prayer was not hindered in the least. Let this be one of the thousands of examples I could bring up of how the legitimacy of God’s total sovereignty has no effect on our need to pray without ceasing, as if our prayers do not affect what God has already ordained will come to pass. If anything, our prayers should be spurred on by the knowledge that our God is sovereign enough to answer them more completely than we could imagine.

Paul also instructs them to make the most of every opportunity to interact with nonbelievers, to be wise in their conduct. Jesus’ instructions to be as shrewd as serpents and harmless as doves echo here (Matthew 10:16).

In Paul’s final instructions and greetings, I feel like I should just talk about the overall message I get from the passage. This is the importance and joy of fellowship, of having Christian brothers and sisters, and of the church. Paul speaks with great love and edifies specifically Tychicus, Onesimus (of Philemon fame), Justus, Epaphras, and Luke. He even mentions Demas who would later abandon him. If you haven’t read this passage yet, take the time to go do it. How often do you just read through the end (or beginning) of Paul’s letters just because they have little theological content? I can feel the love Paul has for his brothers as I read this. Constantly using terms like “dear ____” (v.7,9,14) or calling them “faithful”, “one of you”, “fellow workers”, etc., and sending greetings and asking for more greetings to be sent in his name to others. His brothers have provided him encouragement and comfort, and he is sending Tychicus to Colossae specifically to encourage the church there.

I suppose you can read this passage as Paul just spreading news around about his fellows, and telling them what is going on, I know I used to. But I don’t buy that anymore as I read this. Having begun to understand myself the joys of Christian fellowship, I can tell Paul loves the people he is speaking of and speaking to. The language is so affectionate and uplifting. Paul’s heart was encouraged by his brothers, as he also mentions elsewhere, such as when Titus’ absence brought Paul stress (2 Corinthians 2:13), but his appearance brought him such joy and comfort in the midst of hardship (2 Corinthians 7:5-7). If that isn’t enough, consider the tenderness with which Paul speaks to Timothy in his second letter to him. Paul showed what great love we can have for our fellow believers in how he talked to them and about them more so than we he just instructed them to encourage one another, which he also does often. The absoluteness of his love for the men and women working around him is unquestionable. Can’t we all reap this kind of fellowship with each other? It requires great humility, but the reward is priceless.

Lastly, verse 18. Let us acknowledge the fact that Paul’s love and care for this church led him to be thinking about them instead of himself, despite the fact that he was in prison (see Philippians 2:4). He got a scribe and made sure that they church would have the instruction and edification it needed. That is the depth of Paul’s love for the people. Let’s not think of this just as an example just for the head pastors of churches to follow, but for all of us in our encouragement of one another (Hebrews 10:24-25).

Cool huh? It is, after all, the God’s written word…
Don’t know what I will do next on here, but I have some ideas. I enjoy typing more than writing, so I think I will use this space for journaling about different topics. Hope this edifies all of you!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Watchdog blogs

I offer up this insightful post by Tim Challies: Evil as Entertainment

Last summer, I had some friends who, unfortunately, fell hook, line, and sinker over the "revival" happening down in Lakeland. I'm not here to debate that topic, although if you're curious I would by more than happy to show you where, scripturally, we need not lend it any credence. My thoughts here are based around my reaction and search for help with discernment. There were many websites online, some Biblical, some not, that were more than willing to offer their opinion on the matter. Most were critical, and most sites were more than happy to drag Todd Bentley through the mud as much as possible, as well as anyone else who, in their view, they saw stepping out of line.

In Challies book, The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment, he makes the point about how we shouldn't trust others for our discernment, but must look to the Bible ourselves. A good point. The main problem with these "watchdog blogs" is their tendency to be incredible critical in their efforts to point out error and expose it. This desire, in of itself, is a good thing. Discernment is, in my opinion, at far too low a level in the churches I have been too, in an age where Biblical confidence is looked upon as arrogance, and acceptance of alternate viewpoints (even if they are wrong) is looked upon as humility as opposed to naivete.

Allowing these sites viewpoints to become my own was a terrible mistake, as my own attitude grew more and more critical by the day without me realizing what was happening. Take the article's points with my own testimony in mind, and trust God, and take your problems and disagreements to Him and His Word.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Colossians 3

Been too long since I could focus my mind and energies to be able to properly reflect upon what the Bible has to teach and write it down. It is a joyful thing to return to it once again!

Colossians 3:
3:1-25 Christian mindsets and attitudes

This is not a lazy cop-out! Let's see you try and divide up a chapter when Paul just continually talks about different mindsets and attitudes that Christians should reject or hold onto.

After spending 2 chapters talking about Christ compared to the heresy the Colossians were facing, Paul now gives instruction for why Christians should think differently and how they should think. He starts with the "why" right away.

"Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your heart on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory." (v.1-4)

This passage echos of Matthew 6:20-21:
"But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

After spending the time that Paul has explaining the glory and benefits of Christ, it is not hard to realize that if we really understand these things, our minds will be focused on that which is greater (Christ), brings us the most pleasure (Christ), and that which our hearts are set on (Christ) as our treasure. This is indeed the logical response to such glorious knowledge about Christ (Christ). It is also the natural and normal thing to have happen if indeed our sinful natures are crucified with Christ and we have in fact been raised with Christ. Our old vices should be traded for new virtue.

Therefore, we "put to death" those vices listed in v.5: "sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry". Because of these, the wrath of God is coming (v.6). More vices appear in v.8-9- "anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language"- and we are instructed to put on the "new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its creator." (v.10) Again, since we are in Christ, there is renewal and regeneration taking place, and the tangible result of that will be a renewed lifestyle where the vices continue to die and the virtues continue to grow and become blessedly and joyfully evident in our lives.

There are these things we Christians like view as big sins, and things we tend to hold onto as pet sins. These listed seem to fall into the pet sin category. Let's really reflect on it for a sec, because I know how easily these things get into my heart; especially the malice part. Even getting enraged over things is not a mark of new birth, you don't have to literally kill someone to commit murder in your heart. Countless times I have been driven to frustration and bitterness by other Christians, mainly because of the spreading of false teaching. But my job is always to maintain my relationship with Christ and be as Godly as I can be. This brings the most benefit to the church, whereas malice and anger hurt the people I am around, and focusing on what Christ has done for me will keep me repentant and humble as I reflect on the example of forgiveness that He has shown me that I MUST take as my own standard. This is the standard given in v.13b.

In verse 12, Paul begins listing the virtues he hopes to see as fruit of the Colossians having been born again.

"Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity." (v.12-14)

There is not much I can say about these, except that these qualities in increasing measure is a pursuit that will take the rest of my life, and I will always be able to come back to these verses to check myself.

"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful." (v.15)

I'll take that verse and run with it. I don't really have to do much exposition on this stuff do I? It really speaks for itself. The peace of Christ, peace for living in, stemming from the fact that we have the most important peace of all; peace with God, that comes from Christ's death. You see the appropriateness of Paul saying the "peace of Christ"!

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." (v.16-17)

Instruction for behavior as a community; as the body of Christ. I want to point out that he mentions admonition, followed by thankfulness (he has now mentioned thankfulness twice in three verses; make a note). We should be thankful for those who can admonish us in wisdom, especially those that patiently bear with us as they see us mess up and don't give up on us, but gently guide us. We should humbly receive rebuke from such men and enjoy the fruit that it will produce!

"Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.
Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.
Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.
Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged." (v.18-21)

Guidance for Christian households. I know my parents used the verse about embittering children to make the point that not only did we as children have a responsibility to respect them, but they had responsibilities to us as well in regards to their handling of us. I could go on into the husband/wife relationship dynamic, but that's not really somewhere I want to go in this exposition. Suffice to say that there is plenty more Paul says elsewhere, and it is a broad topic, but this shows the overarching theme that the husband should be the head of the household, but hold his wife in the highest esteem. Let us not forget that leadership in any form, beyond the marital, is action, not a position. He has the position of leadership, yes, but that is a responsibility and all call to action on his behalf, not just a call to obidience for the wife.

"Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for his wrong, and there is no favoritism." (v. 22-25)

I also don't want to stop and defend the point that Paul is not, in fact endorsing slavery; he is merely explaining to slaves a righteous way to behave in their present lot in life. But verse 23 provides us all with advice. Work as if for the Lord, "whatever you do." Employees for bosses, anyone serving anyone else, spouse for spouse, etc. Work as if you are working for the Lord, and not for men, because we are. In every situation, we still represent Christ by our actions. Do we represent Christ well as a listless worker, who is "as vinegar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes"? (Proverbs 10:26) Or when we show apathy to our assignments? Yes, we are to be heavenly minded, but let us remember that we are Christ's ambassadors, and our actions speak volumes to those who never pick up the Bible. A slave's master may have only the slave to bring him the message of salvation, and a slave who keeps that attitude in the forefront of his mind is surely a blessed man and an example for many. The exhortation Paul gives in 1 Corinthians 7 to husbands and wives with unbelieving spouses could apply here. Who knows if you will save your master?

Alright, done with that one, finally. Chapter 4 is the thrilling conclusion, with a twist you will never see coming!!! Not really, someone leaked the ending into a book about 1900-2000 years ago and the surprise has been spoiled ever since. Lame.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Sufficiency of the Gospel in Colossians

Beloved, as I get into the second half of my study in Colossians, it is clear, at least it should be by now, that Paul is giving Christ all the glory he possibly can. Colossians 1:15-20 shines the light on Christ as being in all things, heaven and earth, things above and below, and that He is worth of everything and sufficient for everything. I send you to a dear brother of mine's sermon where he highlights Christ as sufficient in everything from our over the top culture to his own painful experiences.

Be blessed by his (and I hope mine as well) showing Christ as elevated as He deserves to be. Praise His name.

The Real Cost of Pornography

Read it here. I want to read his book on the subject as well, the excerpts I have read are excellent.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Colossians 2

In this chapter, Paul specifically addresses the heresy the Colossians were listening to and being swayed by. They were being swayed by people who were supposedly giving them insight into spiritualistic things, the "elemental forces of the world", vision into other realms, etc. Don't be deceived into reading over that, this instruction still applies today. I have seen "pastors" and "prophets" lead plenty of people astray, if not away from the faith completely, because they were "claiming access to a visionary realm and inflated without cause in their fleshly mind (v.18)." The sheep they were supposed to be shepherding were promised delicious food and but left starving, as these teachers never cared about the bread of life more than they cared about the supernatural.

So let us tread carefully, and ALWAYS return to the Bible as our source of truth for testing everything, holding on to what is good, and avoiding every kind of evil (1 Thess 5:21-22). If the Bible speaks against it, there is a reason, and if we are being taught things not in the Bible, I question, at the very least, its necessity. If God did not reveal something to us in His Word, it was because He, in His infinite wisdom, did not deem it necessary for it to be there. Consider the sufficiency of scripture, and let us dive in....

2:2-8 Stay in Christ
2:9-15 Benefits of Christ
2:16-23 Specifically avoiding the fruit of the heresy

Paul begins addressing the heresy by telling the Colossians that in Christ are "all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." This is key for the Colossians to remember, because as verse 8 tells us, they were being taken captive by "philosophy and empty deceit" and things that "have an appearance of wisdom (v.23 NIV)." So he tells them that all wisdom and knowledge is hidden in Christ! They have no need to go elsewhere, and, in fact, going elsewhere serves no purpose at all! Listening to this heresy literally was taking them captive, because they were trapped from finding true wisdom and understanding so long as they continued to believe it.

Here we find the some of the true danger of false teaching in the church. Myself, I am a huge proponent of truth. Even if someone is making a good point, I cannot stand it if they somehow misuse the Bible in the process; it is unacceptable. Paul here shows the antidote for this. He doesn't tell the Colossians just where they are making a mistake, he actually spends most of his time writing about what they should be paying attention to instead, Christ! He doesn't give them a list of don't s and things to avoid, he emphasizes over and over and over again the dos and the things to grab a hold of. This is our example for dealing with heresy and false doctrine today; not to avoid the topic, but to emphatically speak the truth, right out of the Word. Truth should never be on the defensive, it should be racing full steam ahead to free the minds of people who are enslaved to empty speculations and ear tickling concepts. Lies have the power to enslave, truth frees. Unfortunately, lies often have "the appearance of wisdom," and so are received by those who don't know any better....

Back to the text, where Paul tells the people to walk in the Lord, rooted and established, "just as you were taught (v.7)." Don't listen to the false teachers, just do what you were taught from the beginning, to walk in Christ and be firmly rooted in Him and in faith. All the while being overflowing with thankfulness (and why shouldn't they/we?).

***A brief aside. As I type this out, I am just beginning to realize how much the Bible often says in just one or two sentences, that if we take the time to think and analyze, we are mining for gold instead of the raking for leaves we usually do. I take no credit for that analogy. Here I am typing for 40 minutes and I get through 7 verses. Yeah baby. :)

Now, again, for about 6 verses, Paul rehashes the majesty and personal benefits of Christ, showing the Colossians, again, how He is all they need.

1)In Him the full nature of God dwells bodily
2)We are filled by Him, who is the head of every ruler and authority
3)We have the circumcision of the Messiah (of the heart)
4)We are raised with Him through faith
5)He made us alive while we were still dead in trespasses
6)He erased our debt of death by his death at Calvary
7)He triumphed over all rulers and authorities by His victory there

Again, if the Colossians (or, uh, US) have such great promises and victory in Christ, why are we swayed away from centering our focus on Christ by the lust (disguised as wisdom) for more "spirituality" or appearance of holiness? We have too much in Christ to be satisfied looking for other things! Let us remember our first love and return to Him.

On to verse 16-17, Paul claims that things in the law, such as the sabbath, festivals, food regulations, etc., are all foreshadows of the Messiah, and now that He has come, these things are of no value to us. Christ is true substance, while all else is shadow. Since Paul is so willing to call even other things in the Bible "shadows" compared with Christ, how quickly must we be willing to count all other things as rubbish compared with the surpassing greatness of know Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:8)?

Verse 18:
Let no one keep defrauding you of your prize by delighting in self-abasement and the worship of the angels, taking his stand on visions he has seen, inflated without cause by his fleshly mind. (NASB)

How many names could you stick in this verse? Certain preachers that delight in sharing all their wonderful "visions"? Let's look at this more in depth.

-Teaching about "super spiritual" things (angels, personal visions, etc.) has the appearance of wisdom and greatness (a trap Paul has already mentioned)
-"Taking his stand on visions he has seen..." have you ever seen a preacher base his entire ministry off of what God was telling Him personally, or what God was revealing to Him, without ever actually picking up the Bible? Be careful.
-"Delighting in self absement..." or how about a private school with a ridiculous dress code and strict rules about male/female contact?
-"Let no one keep defrauding you of your prize..." anything based around these topics is garbage!!! They want to talk about visions, about certain skirt lengths, or about proper Sabbath observance, etc., when these things are of no value (v.23), and are defrauding the people who listen to them! Such a leader is not holding onto God (v.19). If we have died to the world through Christ, why do we act as if we must still observe all these things, or chase them (v.20)? These are all human commands and doctrines, not ones of God, and they concern things that are temporary, whereas Christ is ours forver (v.21-22)!

If you are a believer who can realize (myself included) that you have been defrauded by this sort of thing in the past or present, just remember that you have Christ, always will have Christ, and always have had Christ. Our God is so humble, that although we spend our whole lives searching after other truths, and satisfactions in other things, He accepts our deathbed repentance. How could Paul warn the Colossians with any hope of seeing change if this were not so? God is the father of the prodigal son, who waited every day for His son to return, and also the father of the son who did everything right, only to forget that his father loved him and everything the father owned was his! Let us remember our first love, Christ, and that all His benefits are ours. But at the same time, let's pursue Him and not the gifts He has.

Lastly, verse 23, Paul reminds us that such things are of no value in guarding aginst the lusts of the world. Simply denying yourself things that you are tempted by (anything at all) is not a cure for the itch. The cure is in setting our minds on what is above (which Paul gets into in Ch. 3), and having our desires be there as well. Where our treasure is, there out heart will be also (Matthew 6:21, Luke 12:34). If our desires are in heaven, and found in Christ, we will not desire things here on earth. A lofty goal, to be sure, but one we are called to, and, by the grace of God only, is attainable.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Colossians 1

So begins my foray into Colossians. A short but excellent work by Paul, a bond servant of Christ Jesus. From the early goings, Paul reveals his purpose to show Christ as majestic as He truly is. I will use some online commentaries as I see fit, but I will try and make this series of posts my own thoughts and observations, as I try to work through it humbly and prayerfully. I ask anyone who has something constructive to say to please do so, my purpose in doing this publically is to accept critism where it is due, and allow it to mold my study of God's wonderful, praise worthy gift of the Bible. Here we go....

I want to start with a quote from a Biblegateway.com commentary quote about the book:

"Its object was to counteract false teaching. A large part of it is directed against certain speculatists who attempted to combine the doctrines of Oriental mysticism and asceticism with Christianity, thereby promising the disciples the enjoyment of a higher spiritual life and a deeper insight into the world of spirits. Paul argues against such teaching, showing that in Christ Jesus they had all things. He sets forth the majesty of his redemption. The mention of the "new moon" and "sabbath days" (2:16) shows also that there were here Judaizing teachers who sought to draw away the disciples from the simplicity of the gospel."

And, I think, most awesomely:

"His main theme is developed in chapter 2. He warns them against being drawn away from Him in whom dwelt all the fulness of the Godhead, and who was the head of all spiritual powers. Christ was the head of the body of which they were members; and if they were truly united to him, what needed they more?

Why do we pursue other things when Christ is the only one who brings fullness? After all, we already have Him as our righteousness, our brother, our high priest, and friend. (amongst other things)

Chapter 1: my personal breakdown

1:1-2 Greetings
1:3-8 Various thanksgivings
1:9-12 Prayers for growth for the Colossian church
1:13-20 Christ is central in everything
1:21-23 Brief Gospel
1:24-2:3 The purpose of Paul's ministry

Paul begins in typical fashion, with a greeting and thanksgiving for the fact that the church he is writing to has come to saving knowledge of Jesus. He tells the church how the gospel they have put their faith in is spreading all over the world and bearing fruit. We learn here that Paul was not the one that brought them the gospel, but a man named Epaphras (v.7), but this has not stopped Paul from caring so much about the well being of the church that he wants to write to them to help them avoid falling into false teachings.

It also hasn't stopped Paul from praying for their spiritual growth. He wants these guys to be filled with knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual understanding; not just for the sake of those things themselves, but so that they will live in a way pleasing to the Lord (v.10) as a result of having them. Practically, this means he wants them to be doing good works and "bearing fruit." He also wishes them to be equipped by God's power to be able to endure (endure what is not specified, i opt for a general understanding of using God's power to allow us to stand under any circumstance) with patience and joy. Anyone who has gone through something difficult knows how hard it is to persevere and endure while still having joy and patience in the situation. I am never able to do this on my own strength personally, I must reflect on my blessings and thank the Lord, as Paul instructs the Colossians to do here (v.12).

As he mentions reflecting and thanking the Father, Paul now moves into exalting Christ and holding Him high. This 8 verse sections betrays Paul's purpose in writing this letter: the Colossians have Christ, why should they still be so hungry for something in addition to Him that they would follow some mystic heresies? In this passage, watch how Paul makes continual use of terms that make Christ central to everything, and sovereign over everything.

(Holman translation)
v.15: firstborn, all
v.16: everything, heaven and earth, visible and invisible, dominions and rules and authorities, all
v.17: all, all
v.18: the head, the beginning, the firstborn, first place, over everything
v.19 all fullness
v. 20 everything, heaven and earth

It's just an onslaught of words and phrases showing the Collossians (and us) Christ in the place He deserves: first place. Whether in heaven or on earth, on his throne or in our hearts, He is first. I often don't treat Him as my master, the way I should, but my heart still flies when I see Christ elevated so grandly and so appropriately. Not much more I want to say on this section, but it rocks my socks.

Paul then, after setting them up with elevation of Christ, reminds the Colossians of the fact that this man, who is all in all, is the one who has reconciled them to God. He reminds them of where they were (v.21) and then reminds them of what Christ has and done will do for them if they simply remain "in the faith" (v.22-23).

Paul tells them that the gospel is him ministry, and he rejoices in the fact that he is suffering for it. Paul thrice here (and many other times in the NT; v.26-27, 2:2) refers to Christ as God's mystery. I will take a guess and say that this is because the OT writers, prophets, and citizens had the prophecy of the Messiah before them, but truly had no idea what He would look like or what He would do. Jesus fulfilled the mystery by what He did on the earth, and can you really get a more, shall we say, fulfilling, satisfactory, and incredible conclusion to a mystery of suspense that was thousands of years in the making? I think no. God wants to make this mystery known to all peoples, including Gentiles (praise the Lord!).

Paul also struggles that the churches already in existance will continue to mature in Christ, "that they may have all the riches of assured understanding (v.2)." Let's reflect on that for a moment. What would my life, your life, whatever, look like if we had complete understanding of who Christ is, and as a result, who we are in relation to Him? Our confidence would soar, I have no question. And I don't mean confidence as in boldness, I mean that we would be fully assured in the facts of His atonement and salvation, and thus have no reason to fear anything. We would truly know the triumph of the believer, as spelled out in Romans 8:31-39 (look it up yourself you lazy thug).

I will use a human illustration. As I wondered the earth as an aimless college students, not fully knowing what I wanted to do, or what God wanted me to do, with my life, I was plauged with stresses. The uncertainty of what I was to do left room for doubt, depression, twists of emotion, questioning of myself, continually asking "what if" style questions, etc. etc., because I had no knowledge to stand on. Once God instructed me to become a civil engineer, it was like all my emotion that was dancing on a piano was now simply playing a three note chord. I have no words beyond such cheesy analogies to state the peace that was on me in that moment of knowing. I had assured knowledge of what I was supposed to be doing. It is this peace, I believe, that Paul is partially referring to when he talks about the riches of assured knowledge. There could be much more fruit here than I am seeing, but this is how valuable I think just this one aspect of assured knowledge is.

The application of this peace has looked like this. I am fully content in studying (laboring), I am fully content in the time committment engineering is (taking up my cross), I feel fine tossing aside things I may want to pursue because they hinder me from becoming a better engineer (tossing off the sin that so easily entangles), etc. etc. Imagine what such peace in the assured knowledge of Christ would do for a believer. Is there any wonder Paul wanted the church to posses this?

So ends chapter 1 (and some of 2).
I'll have more, come again, and please comment on your way out!

May His grace dwell richly in you!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Greetings and salutations and hello

Hey guys,
The text to the left says it all I think. This blog is for my own spiritual growth, and I hope to be able to share and swap insights with those of you that read this. Thanks for caring enough about my spiritual growth to post your (hopefully Biblical) thoughts about what I say. I will actually begin posting things starting soon, but I wanted to have something up to start greeting people who would be interested in following what I do. God bless you all.

In Christ,